You made all the delicate, inner parts of my bodyand knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
We call them exceptional children. Special needs children. Disabled. Handicapped. Whatever the term, the challenge is enormous for a parent gifted with such a child. But this much is clear: every child is perfectly made by God. God is sovereign over all the earth, including the womb. He has superintended our very conception and existence, and every child born is fearfully and wonderfully crafted by Him.
Scripture is actually filled with those who are physically handicapped. Jacob walked with a limp for the rest of his life after his midnight wrestling match with an angel. Mephibosheth’s body was hopelessly twisted and crippled. King Jereboam had a withered hand. Namaan was a leper. Even Paul suffered from an unnamed “thorn” in his flesh.
Scripture is actually filled with those who are physically handicapped. Jacob walked with a limp for the rest of his life after his midnight wrestling match with an angel. Mephibosheth’s body was hopelessly twisted and crippled. King Jereboam had a withered hand. Namaan was a leper. Even Paul suffered from an unnamed “thorn” in his flesh.
In addition to their challenges, all of these had something else in common: not one of them was miraculously healed. So many times we gravitate toward the miracles of the Bible, and there were many. But there were many more who lived day to day with all kinds of indignities, pains and disabilities. A lot of people live without a miracle. But who is to say that the power of God cannot be even more dramatically displayed in the life of one who struggles, but remains steadfast…who seeks to make sense of what appears as nonsense? I believe the power of God is displayed all around us, in the lives of exceptional people who never experience a life-changing miracle. They are not changed. They change us.
Father, thank you for creating me the way you intended me to be, thank you for loving me so. Empower me to do your will and shine your light for all to see. May they see you in me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
Commentary by Dr. Ed Young
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