“She of her want did cast in all that she had” (Mark 12:44).
“Make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son . . . and she, and he, and her house did eat many days” (1 Kings 17:13, 15).
Let us ever remember that God is glorified in the full consecration of what we have, be it small or great. He desires not the increase of five talents for the loan of one, but a full, perfect consecration of that one to His own honor; and whoever renders this, He pronounces as hearty a “Well done” upon, as upon him who has received ten. I have often erred here. I will try to remember in future that all I have is all He wants.—Catherine Booth.
He couldn’t sing and he couldn’t play,
He couldn’t speak and he couldn’t pray.
He’d try to read, but he’d break right down,
Then sadly grieve at smile or frown.
While some with talents ten begun,
He started out with only one.
“With this,” he said, “I’ll do my best,
And trust the Lord to do the rest.”
His trembling hand and tearful eye
Gave forth a world of sympathy;
When all alone with one distressed,
He whispered words that calmed that breast.
And little children learned to know,
When grieved and troubled, where to go.
He loved the birds, the flowers, the trees,
And, loving him, his friends loved these.
His homely features lost each trace
Of homeliness, and in his face
There beamed a kind and tender light
That made surrounding features bright.
When illness came, he smiled at fears,
And bade his friends to dry their tears.
He said, “Good-bye,” and all confess
He made of life a grand success.
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